AIM: How have we used our knowledge of genetics to control the traits of organisms?
Today we reviewed the mutations that we covered in yesterday’s lab. The due date for the lab has been extended to Friday for anyone who needs help with the analysis questions. If you missed today, be sure to look up the “super cow!”
- Finish Mutation Lab by Friday
- 7 vocabulary definitions and 1 question on the back of today’s note sheet.
- **This should take you approximately 5 minutes to complete.. no excuses for no homework!
New Vocab:
Selective Breeding- Choosing organisms to reproduce to get desirable traits in offspring (height, size, weight, color, taste, etc.)
- EXAMPLES- Breeding flowers to get certain colors, breeding “super cows” for muscles, all of today’s dogs were selectively bred from the wolf, modern day corn was selectively bred from an ancient corn that was much smaller and with less kernals.
Genetic Engineering- Field of science where the actual genes of an organism are manipulated, or changed.
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