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For homework answer these two questions:
A password consists of three digits, 0 through 9, followed by three letters from an alphabet having 26 letters. If repetition of digits is allowed, but repetition of letters is not allowed, determine the number of different passwords that can be made. If repetition is not allowed for digits or letters, determine how many fewer different passwords can be made.
A large company must chose between two types of passwords to log on to a computer. The first type is a four-letter password using any of the 26 letters of the alphabet, without repetition of letters. The second type is a six-digit password using the digits 0 through 9, with repetition of digits allowed. Determine the number of possible four-letter passwords. Determine the number of possible six-digit passwords. The company has 500,000 employees and needs a different password for each employee. State which type of password the company should choose. Explain your answer.