Attach please find possible questions for the exam on Monday.
- What is the purpose of the object snap?
- Where is it located?
- How do you access it?
- Where is the ribbon located in AutoCAD?
- What two components does the ribbon consists of?
- How do we activate the layer command?
- In which tab and panel is the layer properties manager dialogue box located?
- How do we create a new layer in AutoCAD?
- What layer should we never use (forbidden) in AutoCAD?
- What is the difference between Tabs and the Ribbon?
- List five Tabs in the drafting and annotation workspace.
- List five Panels in the Insert Tab.
- List the steps to create layers. Use AutoCAD to help.
- List three functions of the mouse.
- What happens when you right click on the mouse wheel?
- What happens when you left click an object in AutoCAD?
- What will occur to your drawing when you use the mouse wheel to scroll forward and backwards?
- What happens when you double click the mouse wheel when you have part of the drawing visible?
- What is the purpose of the command line?
- Where is the command line located? Be specific.
- When opening AutoCAD for the first time, what is the default layer?
- List the three Hatch options in AutoCAD that will allow you to give more detail to an enclosed area?
- How can the hatch be a useful tool with our design? Think specifically when creating a two point perspective.
- What happens when we left click the hatch command button in the Home Tab of the Draw Panel?
- Where is the Status Bar located in AutoCAD?
- List four buttons on the Status Bar besides the Ortho option.
- How do we switch from button view to icon view on the Status Bar?
- What is the difference between the Save Option and the Save-As Option in AutoCAD?
- List four options in the Application Menu Button.
- Why is Object Snap (OSNAP) a very useful tool in AutoCAD?
- List three object snap options in AutoCAD.
- How do we know if Object Snap is turned on in the Status Bar?
- What is the purpose of the object snap?