This summer several WHSAD students participated as interns at Groundswell working on a mural about the water supply in NY. Here is a report from Tanay Warerkar of the Greenpoint Gazette.
“North Brooklyn youth are doing their part to ensure that Greenpoint’s environmental future is not quite bleak as its past, while honoring the community’s history of activism, or in this case, “art-ivism.”
On Tuesday, the efforts of students and artists working as part of Groundswell’s Summer Leadership Institute were unveiled at John Ericsson Middle School 126.
The mural – 30 feet by 60 feet in size, sits on one of the exterior walls of the Magnet School for Environmental Engineering and depicts the neighborhood’s rich history of environmental activism, drawing on familiar images and predicting a bright future.
Through a series of workshops, research, and trips around the neighborhood, the students and artists in the Groundswell program paid homage to the activism of the past depicting of what a future, environmentally conscious Greenpoint might look like.”
