In the midst of a global pandemic, it’s clear that not everyone is okay. There’s a lot to worry about, and so it’s no surprise that a lot of us are feeling down, hopeless, scared, and uncertain of the future. We worry about our family members who may not be in the best physical condition, the state of our future academics with the SATs and AP exams, and those who are seniors, wonder if they’ll ever see friends again before going to college. With so much negativity and uncertainty in the air, the Community Service Club decided to do something about it. Seeing that our community needs a break from the worries of this pandemic, they went to work.

During the first week of April, The WHSAD Community came together to spread positivity. Students, teachers, and other WHSAD faculty worked on special signs/ messages of encouragement and positivity for senior citizens, health care workers, and everyone else in our community. The WHSAD Community, taking advantage of Zoom, the virtual meeting platform, recorded a session in which they held up their signs in a beautiful act of community solidarity. Signs reading messages like “Staying Home Saves Lives”, “Real Heroes Wear Scrubs” and “We are in This Together” could be seen from screen to screen.

Even though we aren’t physically together, there is still much that we can do apart to maintain our sense of community. This Zoom session was a perfect example of that. The WHSAD community and Community Service Club will continue to meet and spread positivity. In these times, that’s what we really need. It is important to try our best to be optimistic about the future. It’s easy to dwell on everything going wrong and forget the good left out there, but remembering is how we’ll get through this. We have to stay motivated as much as we can and encourage those around us to do the same. Students, if you’re interested in being a part of the community service club and helping our community in times of need, reach out to Ms. Spaziani for more info. As always, wash your hands, stay safe, and if you’re going outside, it wouldn’t hurt to cover up your face.