Judges Front Row (L to R): Community Assistant Alain Rowell, Community Assistant Anne Pinto, Community Assistant Delilah Crespo, Deputy Brooklyn Borough President Diana Reyna, Business Manager Rudy Cruz, and Design Teacher Ira Geringer. Student Presenters Back Row (LtoR): Bernardo Reyes, Matthew Sotomayor, Byron Pacheco, Angel Pasan, Joselin Flores, Jorge Ortega, Marjorie Vargas, Arely Velasco, and Daniel Reid. Photo by Jay Wiprovnick
Please take a moment to read the GreenPoint Gazette article detailing WHSAD’s in-house design competition. We’d like to extend a special thanks to the Gazette’s publisher, Jeff Mann, for his continued support over the years. You can read the article below or click here to view the article on the Greenpoint Gazette website.
[gview file=”https://www.whsad.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/how-to-redesign-a-schoo.pdf”]