WHSAD Junior Anah Lewi hard at work developing an app called “Fit Me”, which is designed to help individual consumers identify the best dress sizes to purchase in particular stores.
During the Summer of 2014, WHSAD Junior Anah Lewi participated in Girls Who Code, a program that has been receiving a great deal of press over the past year. Anah explained what Girls Who Code is all about:
“Girls Who Code is a non-profit organization whose goal is to bridge the tech gender-gap. I participated in their summer immersion program, which [was] a seven-week program that [taught] girls, like myself, how to code in several computer-programming languages. In addition to exposing [us] to the field of technology through speakers, demos, workshops, and presentations from female engineers and entrepreneurs [participants also took part in] field trips to technology companies, startups, academic institutions, etc. We also [had] the opportunity to develop mentor-ships with top female executives, entrepreneurs and engineers.”
For the full story, click here to view an article from the Brooklyn Daily Eagle.
According to Anah’s mother, Elisheba Lewi , “Not only did she learn how to code, she had an opportunity to meet influential women from all walks of life, including Malala Yousafzai. She developed both her communication and leadership skills and was provided with a lot of networking and press opportunities.” Click below to view the Good Morning America segment highlighting Ms. Yousafzai’s meeting with the participants of Girls Who Code (including Anah, who is seated on the stage in the back row, center seat) . To read the full story about the Good Morning America appearance, click here.