WHSAD Twelfth Grader Josiah Santiago (far right) interviewed Lukas Chen (left) and Faye Philips (center) from the LPP Operations team.
As part of NYC Dept. of Education Chancellor Farinia’s initiative to improve student achievement through the promotion of inter-school collaboration, WHSAD was chosen to be a host school for the Learning Partners Program (LPP). The staff and students of WHSAD will be hosting two other CTE schools in NYC in an effort to model and share best practices. As a result of this partnership, a group of WHSAD students decided to visit the LPP offices and offered to produce personalized desk plaques for the LPP team members using AutoCad and a laser engraver. The full story is highlighted in the December, 2016 edition of the LPP newsletter on page six. The full newsletter can be read below. You may also download the newsletter as a PDF file.
[gview file=”https://www.whsad.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/December-2016-LPP-Press.pdf”]