Pace University’s Upward Bound program is now recruiting current 9th and 10th grade students. The Pace Upward Bound program is an academic program designed to generate and enhance the skills and motivation necessary for success in education and life. This program is designed for students who are serious about their academic development and who would like assistance in getting into college. In addition to providing academic support through tutoring, mentoring, classes, and workshops, students in the Pace Upward Bound program are also taught higher order and critical thinking skills. If you are a motivated student, live or go to school in Brooklyn, in the 9th, 10th, and a United States citizen or legal resident, we encourage you to apply to our program.
The program runs most Saturdays from October – May and 6 weeks during the summer. Students are provided with Metro Cards.
Attached is an application. Applications are due to your guidance counselor by Wed June 7th.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call (212) 346-1106, or email or your child’s guidance counselor.
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