Since 2016, WHSAD students have participated in the CTE Industry Scholars Program (CTE ISP). The Industry Scholars Program provides students the opportunity to have an internship in the CTE field of their choice.
Internships provide the opportunity to learn by doing real work and being productively engaged in the workplace. They may provide the opportunity to work in teams, work on a project, or rotate through a number of departments and job functions. You will develop new skills, become stronger candidates for future job and college opportunities, and grow your professional network!
This fall, internships will be offered both in-person and remotely, and students will be able to earn $15/hour for up to 60 hours over 6 weeks (November 15th – December 22nd).
Eligible students will have:
1) A completed application
2) A resume
3) An interview
4) Completed I-9 verification (by October 29th!)
Please see the CTE ISP website for more information:
The application is now available on the CTE Tracking System (CTS). You must apply at:
Sign-up here to attend a virtual information session on a Wednesday in October:
To complete I9 verification, see the list of required/accepted documents at:
Starting October 12th, schedule a virtual verification appointment at ONE of the links below:
If you have questions, see Ms. Wilson in Room 139 during 1st, 4th, or 8th periods.