On January 1st. 2019 I went ice skating in Prospect Park. Because it was a holiday the line was so long, but it moved fast. I couldn’t wait to start skating. Everyone looked as if they were having the time of their lives. It was the perfect weather to go skating. Once I got on the ice, I knew it would be a while before getting the hang of it. Once I was able to stop holding onto the wall I started skating faster and felt like a professional even though I fell twice.
Kiyana Williams, a student at WHSAD also went ice skating and said, “I had fun ice skating and being with my friends.”
Ameina Als, another WHSAD student also went and said, “I had fun and my favorite part was when I wanted to cross to the other side and was scared so one of the employees had to help me.”
Overall it was a fun experience and I hope more people go ice skating to experience it for themselves.