On Tuesday, December 9th 2014, WHSAD hosted their 1st Annual Interior Design Competition. The goal of this year’s competition was to redesign the main office space in order to create a more professional, functional, and efficient work environment that would house three different workstations for three different staff members.
Students were given a finite budget and very specific design parameters to work within. Four teams of students presented their designs to a panel of six judges, including Deputy Borough President Diana Reyna.
Students used AutoDesk AutoCAD 2014 software to generate their designs and their presentations were judged using a rubric that assessed their overall design quality, presentation style, ability to work within stated parameters, ease of traffic flow, ability to stay within the designated budget, and overall aesthetics.

Four teams of students presented their designs to a panel of six judges, including Deputy Borough President Diana Reyna.
This year’s participants included seniors Angel Pasan, Byron Pacheco, Daniel Reid, Marjorie Vargas, Arely Vasquez, Matthew Sotomayor, and Bernardo Reyes and sophomores Joselin Flores and Jorge Ortega. Winners will be announced before winter recess and the main office will be remodeled using the winning design in early January 2015.