Through October 10th to October 14th, WHSAD’s MSK raised money towards the American Breast Cancer Society in support of spreading awareness for breast cancer throughout the community. Throughout the week baked goods along with other snacks were sold with the funds then being donated to the American Breast Cancer Society.
On the Sunday following this week, October 16th, some of WHSAD’S staff and students attended Making Strides of Central Park, to spread awareness and show support for both survivors and those lost to cancer. Sweatshirts were designed by K-Shima Noble and Regina Reneus, two WHSAD seniors, for MSK members to wear while walking, as a display of their support.
Below are statements from some of those who attended the walk:
Willmer Batista-WHSAD Senior
“A difference is needed”
While October is most often associated with the beginning of autumn and Halloween, one can’t forget a disease that impacts a surprising amount of women in today’s society: breast cancer. It’s a disease with no cure, a disease that takes thousands of lives every year and strikes without prejudice and in order to help those in need, in order to allow those who have such a malignant ailment to have a chance to survive, October is a month also dedicated to fundraising for such a thing and it’s what I, along with the My Sister’s Keeper group, did. It wasn’t much if we look at it single handedly, but over the course of four days we managed to raise nearly $600 just from selling snacks to all of the WHSAD staff and students and we want to thank you monumentally for all of your kindness and generosity.
October 16th was a day of great importance to us here in MSK. It was a day we had to get up early, a day we all got to travel to Manhattan, a day we were able to wear pink and a day in which a number of us walked four miles around Central Park with our brightest smiles and biggest signs in order to raise awareness. Believe it or not many people see such an activity as pointless, walking may not physically help those out there with breast cancer but it allowed a number of people throughout the city to walk through the park with their heads held high in remembrance of the many lives, of the mothers and aunts and sisters, that were all lost due to such a horrible thing.
While the month is nearing its end and many of our seniors finish their final year here, I hope WHSAD and MSK continue to do this. I hope more fundraisers can occur throughout the year. I hope all of you can continue to be generous in the future, to be considerate and take a walk wearing your brightest pink in the coming Octobers. Breast cancer is a disease that strikes without any warning and at any time any one of our mothers or important female figures in our lives and community can be struck by it, and more often than not these lives are lost. Even donating $1 makes a change, a difference in the lives of those struggling, a difference in the lives of those hoping to see their loved ones again, a difference in the many mothers who want to see their families flourish but are never able to.
Colley Baldwin-WHSAD Teacher
On Sunday October 16, 2022, I participated in the WHSAD MSK Cancer Walk in Central Park. My lovely 14 year old daughter, Cristen, also participated with me. Over the years I have lost friends and family to breast cancer. After losing my mother in 2013, I have tried to participate annually by contributing financially to cancer causes and also in local cancer walks.
I was thrilled to participate this year because I was invited to walk with WHSAD’s chapter of MSK. I thought it would be a wonderful opportunity for myself to bond with the young ladies on such a wonderful endeavor and also have my daughter continue our tradition of remembering those who we lost to cancer.
Jacqueline Newton-WHSAD Teacher
On October 16th 2022 I was invited to the Breast Cancer walk, hosted by the Williamsburg H.S. for Architecture & Design (WHSAD) chapter of “My Sister’s Keeper (MSK). I had never done this walk before, but I was excited to participate. I have no known relatives who have or had cancer. However, I do know of people who have died from this dreaded disease, and being a member of MSK, I decided I would go, so on Sunday, October 16th dressed in my pink sweat shirt that read “Breast Cancer Walk,” the group headed for Central Park. As I disembarked from the train and headed up to street level, I saw what looked like a sea of pink flamingoes. Thousands of people all dressed in pink of all ethnic background heading for the park. There were elders, youth, children, and of course man’s best friend the dogs all dressed in pink. Showing their support to fight this disease that takes the lives of so many people each year.
Although not a very big group, our WHSAD group was very enthusiastic and determined to complete the four mile walk. Our group consisted of teachers, administration, students from the My Sister’s Keeper organization, WHSAD’s staff and our WHSAD staff’s children. What a pleasure it was to see us all there enjoying a day out together, participating in something just as important as work. We were walking for a worthy cause. I had an enjoyable time, and I can’t wait for next year’s walk. Thanks to Ms. Tomlinson for arranging it.