Posted here are the 2017 summer assignments in English, Math, Science, Spanish and Architecture. Please note that these assignments are OPTIONAL, but if completed, students will receive extra credit upon submission in September. If you have already taken the Algebra 1 Common Core course in middle school, and you passed the class AND passed the Regents with a 70 or higher, you should complete the Advanced Math Summer Assignment. If you have already taken the Living Environment course in middle school,and you passed the class AND passed the Regents with a 65 or higher, you should complete the Advanced Science Summer Assignment. English and Spanish [gview … [Read more...]
Don’t Forget To Download Your Summer Assignments Here!
The purpose of summer assignments is to “gear up” for next school year. There are over 70 days of summer vacation, so pace yourself! Do a bit from each subject, each week. The first day of school is Monday, September 9, 2013. GRADE ENGLISH SOCIAL STUDIES MATH SCIENCE 9TH Ms. Newton required reading: Siddhartha by Herman Hesse Choice of another book from the Reading List Write reflection and reaction on both books in a journal For details and instructions, visit Ms. SabicTopic: World Religions Map skills-identifying the major religions on a map. Vocabulary/Biography of Religious Icons Reading comprehension/Personal response. DBQ’s For … [Read more...]
9th Grade Science (Living Environment) Summer Assignment
Part 1: [gview file=""] Part 2: [gview file=""] … [Read more...]
9th Grade English Summer Assignment
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